Our Blog

  • How to avoid animal-vehicle collisions (and what to do if you can’t)

    About 2 million times every year, animals and cars collide on U.S. roadways — often causing serious and even fatal injuries to drivers and passengers, along with about $1 billion in damage. And these collisions spike in the fall and winter, thanks to migration and mating patterns as well as reduced visibility caused by shorter […]

    November 15, 2020

  • Winter Preparedness Checklist

    Helpful tips to prepare your home and car for winter, plus what to discuss with your insurance agent before the temperature drops. Click the link below to find out more; https://www.ciginsurance.com/blog/winter/

    November 10, 2020

  • RVs in a campground

    Don’t delay — start thinking about winterizing your RV today

    Unless you’re headed to a warmer climate for the winter — or you live in one already — fall is the time to start preparing your RV for winter (as long as you’re done using it for a while, that is). The elements can wreak havoc on your RV’s systems and exterior, but with these […]

    November 3, 2020

  • Why You Need Personal Offense Coverage

    In today’s digital world, slander and libel lawsuits are more common than you may think. Comments made in haste or anger on social media can have lasting and far-reaching effects on a person’s reputation or character, so it’s easier than ever to libel, slander, or invade a person’s privacy. Even if you apologize, you can […]

    October 8, 2020

  • autumn leaves

    10 Things to do to Prepare Your Home for Fall

    Fall is a wonderful time — if your home is ready for it. So enjoy the last few weeks of warmer weather, but do a little preventative maintenance while you’re at it. You’ll fix small problems before they become big, and big ones before they become catastrophes. Here are 10 tips to help: Look up. […]

    September 22, 2020


    Attention: We received a bulletin from SafeCo! PG&E has settled with insurance carriers for certain wildfires in California, including but not limited to the 2017 Tubbs and 2018 Camp fires. Safeco Insurance has received a portion of the settlement, and the subrogation recoveries have been credited back to the individual claims. Some of your customers […]

    September 14, 2020

  • open windows

    Keep Cool — While Keeping Your Energy Costs Down

    Two-thirds of households in America have air conditioners, according to the U.S. Department of Energy — and they spend a total $11 billion each year running them. Our guess is that most of those households (which may include yours!) wouldn’t mind spending a little less to keep their homes cool. Because as great as it […]

    September 4, 2020

  • Attention Mercury Customers:

    WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUFFER A WILDFIRE LOSS NEXT STEPS AND EXPECTATIONS Mercury representatives are available to help while following social distancing procedures with arranging for temporary housing and provide assistance with living expenses if policyholders suffer a covered loss or were forced to leave their homes in response to mandatory evacuation orders. Residents […]

    August 21, 2020

  • pool with palm trees in the distnace

    Swimming and Summer are a Perfect Combination — but Make Sure to Include Safety

    When the sun is out and the weather gets warm, people flock to the water — whether it’s the beach, lakes, rivers or a backyard pool. But wherever there’s water, there’s also danger lurking beneath the surface, even if you don’t live in an area with alligators or other threats. That danger? Drowning. According to […]

    August 8, 2020

  • power drill

    Tips for Power Tool Safety

    What would you do without power tools? Well, you’d probably take on fewer home-improvement projects — and probably have a lot more calluses on your hands. Thankfully, you don’t have to do without. But you do have to use tools safely, if you want to do good work and keep all of your fingers and […]

    July 21, 2020